18/12/2023 By admin Off

Christmas 2023

As we write we pass the last date for ordering to obtain in the UK our badges. The international date is now well passed.

We are closed 21st, 24th & 25th of December and 1st January to see in the new year.

Why the 21st December, yes, we celebrate Yule!

Yule is a festival celebrated in various cultures and traditions, particularly during the winter solstice. While its specific customs and practices may vary, Yule generally represents a time of rebirth, renewal, and the coming of light. It is a time to celebrate the return of longer days and the beginning of a new solar year. Yule has pagan origins and is often associated with the ancient Germanic and Nordic cultures, where it marked the midwinter season. In modern times, Yule is sometimes celebrated in conjunction with Christmas or as a secular holiday focusing on nature, family gatherings, and enjoying the festive spirit.

So may we wish you a happy Yule, a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays which ever you prefer. May your god(s) go with you.